Saturday, November 14, 2009


So, this is my married co-worker named Melissa. She is crazy. She begged to be on the blog. So here is some of her finest, well, our finest moments......

                                                                                                                                                                              Here we are pulling our sorry, sad, pouty lip faces. Heavy on the sad for sure. Maybe we should be the faces for charities this holiday season. We look pathetic. 

I stuck a pager sticker (they are WAY sticky, by the way! My eyebrows don't need to be waxed this month!) to my forehead. Don't worry, I am a paid professional. When your table is ready I will shake and light up. 

And Finally, she won a Snuggie on Halloween for winning the gave we were playing. A Snuggie? Really? I mean REALLY? I have one too! It's called a bathrobe and all I need to do is wear it backwards!! 

Though it doesn't look like it, we actually do work. Mostly. Almost.  

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