Thursday, October 21, 2010


I just found out that Team Coco and everyone over at "Conan" have been giving us a live camera feed for 24 hours! It is now over. BOO!! I missed it. Good thing they posted it all on youtube and you can click HERE to see all that went down! He is almost on air over at TBS can you believe it? I have always loved Consie and can't wait for his return to television! Leno who??
During the live feed his first week of guests were announced via puppets, and y'all know how I feel about puppets, but you couldn't hear the puppeteers but barely. So here is the list: 
  • Monday, Nov. 8 – Seth Rogen and musical guest Jack White
  • Tuesday, Nov. 9 – Tom Hanks, Jack McBrayer and musical guest Soundgarden
  • Wednesday, Nov. 10 – Jon Hamm, Charlyne Yi and musical guest Fistful of Mercy
  • Thursday, Nov. 11 – Michael Cera, Julie Bowen and comedian Jon Dore
and he even has a poll going on over on his website for US to pick his very first guest. I for one, cannot wait until Nov 18, therefore it being legal for Conan to be on TV again! 

after the jump watch Conando take a viewer question, and at the same time, humiliate his head writer.

I will never park my car with the top down again

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