Over the summer various children do various activities. I am lucky enough to live with 2 of my nieces and a nephew that are all under the age of 8. They decided to join a bowling league for the summer. Every friday they would go down the street to"throw the ball to hit the pins."
Anson, my nephew, who is 4, ended up down the alley a few times on accident. He must take after his uncle.
My purpose of this post is to show you the lovely, winning, triumphant trophy that ALL of the children got to take home and put on their various mantles and bookshelves at the end of summer. Am I the only one who sees hilarity here??! I know it is supposed to be a bowling ball and pins, but, it looks like a fat lady got stuck in a garbage disposal! Her legs are straight up in the air and we can see her lower belly! I would never, ever tell these kids. They are so darn proud of their bowling trophies! I see these "ladies" everyday and I have to snicker, I have even tipped all three of them upside down and made them "walk." Hey, it's fun to play!
I think the design of this baby was done on purpose, what do you think???? What's that old saying, "It ain't over 'till the fat lady sings?" Well now "It ain't over until the fat lady is made of plastic, turned upside down, and comes home with you as a souvenir."
haha! that's the first thing i thought of when i saw it! -cousin sarah