Saturday, January 9, 2010


Today I went to the movies. Yes, a dark room with complete strangers, butter-drenched popcorn (sorry cholesterol!) and sticky floors. Why is every movie theatre floor sticky!? Every one! I finally, finally, finally saw James Cameron's "Avatar." I have heard several things since it's opening on Christmas Day. I heard, "the story is weak, but the visuals are great," "It's this generation's Star Wars," "It's better than Star Wars," and even, "It's the smurfs crossed with the Native Americans fighting over oil."

I have read reviews and critic's opinions. I have got plenty of word of mouth buzz. Watching the box office returns reminds me of a time when James Cameron had another small film in theaters you may have heard of. Something about a boat. It sank or something. My heart will go on, or keep beating on, or whatever--.

Well, folks, time has come for my review. I would normally not post a whole review of a movie on my blog, but this movie is altering. I predict a sea-change in the motion picture industry due to "Avatar."I believe that this movie has revolutionized the way films will be made from now on. The technical wizardry is flawless. Flawless. I often forgot that some scenes and sequences were complete digital imagery. That is a big deal, as you can always see a "puppet's strings." Flawless is not a word I use lightly. Cameron spent 15 years developing story, effects, and so on. I think it was time well spent. He has said he has a franchise planned with a deep-space type of narrative taking the audience all around his universe. I want to go to there...

The Na'vi, the alien race depicted, are a polarizing, captivating, wonder of pure cinema magic. Beautiful creatures packed with real, raw emotion, and a deep, reverent history and way of life. Digital creations, they never once look "dead" or lifeless. The eyes are always emoting. The planet of Pandora is beyond imagination. The botanical scenery and lighting alone blows the mind on an epic scale. It is like watching a "lite brite" on extacy. Nothing like this has been put on the silver screen before. Not that I have seen, anyway.

The story is compelling, but at times a bit drab. It is above all a love story, and sometimes that gets weighed down by the science of how the conflict of the film is presented. The science is fascinating, to say the least, and makes the mind just reel. The story was at it's best when it divulged the history and religious beliefs of the Na'vi. Very original, and deep. I think that the conflict between the blue warriors and the human race was a great story, even without a romantic, "Romeo and Juliet" plot for our protagonist. But, we gotta have some kissy kissy!

As expected, the actors do a great job. My hat is off to Sygorney Weaver. She was the most captivating character. She really demonstrated a strong, grufff, flawed, character, that at first is almost unbearable, but evolves and shows an almost child-like hunger for knowledge and faith that caused the audience to have great empathy.

 I did not get to see it in 3D. I imagine it is quite the thrill ride. I will need a vomit bag, I am sure. The scenes shot "flying" are almost like riding the wing of a 747! This film will change cinema in many ways, as I said. It is demonstrating today a new way of bringing folks back to theatres. A way to be transformed to another world, not only in story, but in a "virtual reality" type of way. Big screens, and 3D glasses. Ultimate suspension of disbelief. The plausible impossible. Maybe Hollywood will even resurrect "Smell-O-Vision!"

I highly recommend this film. It is unlike anything seen. A good fantasy/sci-fi/romance/action/drama with political undertones.  Of course political undertones! It was written and developed under the Bush administration! The political undertones could have been left out. You will know them when you see them. Thanks for letting me just nerd out over this movie. It is not everyday or every year even that a film comes along that changes the game. I am totally a nerd for "Avatar." So what? I will take my swirlee now....

 I am sure that Mr. Cameron will be "king of the world" yet again come Oscar night. Also, is it wrong that after the show today I wanted to put on blue makeup and my Whoopi Goldberg wig? Just asking....

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